Theme missing from the market

A while back in LS market was a premium theme for 1.0, I don't remeber how it was named but it had a cool feature to change in frontend between light version and dark version(called turn off the light)…

Anybody knows what happened to it?

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Тоже интересно.
Probably, the LS developers have removed this feature. I think we can do it «by hand» or if you can't do this youself — order plugin from developers… Write a new topic with a request to the blog application development
Hmm, it's not a feature, the whole theme itself. And I don't remember the author or the theme that better to ask a developer replicate it.
Чел посеял шаблон в каталоге. Удалил автор видимо. А вы о чем то о своем отвечаете :)
I bought this theme, called Magic. you can see here
У вас стрелочки перехода по топикам некорректно «переходят», т.к.верхнее меню фиксированно.
That is it. Too sad it was pulled out from the market.
Только зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии.