New Livestreet 1.0?

Will be an 1.0 release anytime soon?
Will be great as I see it packs alot of new features. With better support for English(some core infos and plugin/templates instructions are hardly translatable in a corect manner with Google), user roles on the admin(to chose wether the new users will have the ability to read and post coments or to be full members and also post topics, polls...) and also to be able to activate the themes like plugins from the admin panel and this could be exceptional.

4 комментария

Will be an 1.0 release anytime soon?
Most likely not. Can in 1-2 months.
All of us wait new LiveStreet, but it is necessary to wait after an output month as plug-ins and templates will adapt.
The improved Englishmen too it is excellent!
Thanks for the info :)
I still the school student and I only study English. If something not correctly wrote, excuse.
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